Alan & Kimberley Graham
Publisher & Editor Interview
Al Graham, Editor of the Coronado Clarion:
“Of late, real journalism has been relegated or diminished by the need to bring in revenue, and as a consequence, advertising has become more important than news.
In the new paradigm, revenue rules; so news organizations are forced to eliminate the real costs needed to sustain a professional writer or investigative journalist.
The Coronado Clarion was established in an effort to bring back the prestige of an old time, hometown journal which features tales of old and new in our ‘Magical Kingdom By The Sea.’”
Kimberley Graham, Publisher of the Coronado Clarion:
“We wanted to give the residents of Coronado a forum to give unadulterated input into the content of our publication. It is a cross between a newspaper and a magazine so we refer to it as a ‘New-Zine.’
There will be a strict policy of zero advertising but we will do positive stories about the services and businesses which we feel offer bona fide contributions to our community. At the Clarion, we want to promote our citizens to support its local small town entrepreneurs and business enterprises. Further, we want to encourage Coronado residents to do their shopping locally in support of our shopkeepers and restaurateurs instead of their having to depend mostly on tourism revenues.
We will also tell our own stories of personal struggle and of our fond remembrance’ s of our youth, of friends who have passed, and of the old guard who still reside here.
We will be covering human interest stories as well as feature tales that are indigenous to the Coronado population.
On behalf of the editor, Al Graham, the entire Clarion staff, and I, together we look forward to proudly serving our community.”